
#DragonXi | Development

#Manhattan Corporation (ASX:MHC) | The largest tenement holder in Nova Scotia | Exploration of lithium and critical metals with the Chebogue project | 1,200 km2 within 109 mineral licenses | Over 100km of prospective lithium pegmatite strike length | A small pilot high resolution drone geophysical survey | Over a pilot area to determine if this technique can identify clear pegmatite targets hosted in the volcanic stratigraphy

#Queens University in Kingston, Ontario | Developing a new approach for lithium exploration

#Synthetic data generation | Computer simulation | Algorithm | Statistical modeling | Autonomous vehicles | Information injected into AI models | Creating digital twins | Testing AI systems for bias | Simulating the future, alternate futures or the metaverse | Datagen | MostlyAI | Synthesis AI

#NVIDIA | MLPerf | Measuring time to train neural networks | Natural language processing | Speech recognition | Recommender systems | Biomedical image segmentatione | Object detection | Image classification | Reinforcement learning | NVIDIA benchmarking suite | MLPerf Training | MLPerf Inference | MLPerf HPC | NVIDIA Platform

#Protecting pipelines from oil thieves in Nigeria | Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) | Frequent attacks on pipelines | Substantial revenue losses from activities of oil thieves and pipeline vandals | Oil thieves puncturing SPDC pipelines and wellheads, redirecting crude oil to their illegal refining sites | Trans Niger Pipeline

#Gaptek | Modular hangar construction | Lightweight system | Turnkey facilities | Fast deployment | Low environmental impact | Capability to be easily adapted and relocated

#Microchip Technology | Tactile Twist on Modern Touch Displays | Reduces Bill of Materials (BoM) | Operates on standard sensor patterns | Eliminates need for openings in the front panel | Configurable knob position, size and number of detents (clicks) | Optional push function | Up to four knob instances | Mount capacitive rotary encoders, also called rotary knobs, over a touch panel | The knob is a passive mechanical element, specifically designed to include at least one conductive pad | The maXTouch KoD touchscreen

#Titra | Alpin unmanned helicopter | In regional priority investment list of Ankara | Military, civilian and rescue missions | Design based on the manned Italian Heli-Sport CH 7 ultralight chopper | UAVOS | Length 7 m | Width 1.5 m | Height 2.35 m | Rotor diameter 6.28 m | Empty weight 340 kg | Can be easily transported in a vehicle | Maximum payload of 200 kg including fuel | Wideband satellite communication channel | Fully redundant autopilot system aboard | Fully autonomous take off and landing system | Remote ground control network capability | Autorotation landing capability | High efficiency flight control | Hyper spectral, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) | Electro optical/infrared (EO/IR) cameras | Rotax 914 UL engine | 115 hp | Maximum cruise speed 160 km/h | Maximum range of 840 km | Altitudes of up to 5,000 m | Maximum endurance seven hours | Two hours flight time fully loaded

#Norway | NATO | Poseidon8 | P8 to bring a drone that can be released from the internal bay, fly its own surveillance missions, then return and be caught back to the bay

#Percepto | Autonomous site inspection and monitoring | Autonomous drones and robots | Insight Manager | Deeplearning algorithms to deliver industry specific intelligence | Solar construction progress monitoring | Stockpile volumetric measurement | Pipeline integrity inspection | 2D mapping | 3D modeling | Automated inspections

#SatelIoT | IoT connectivity over standard 5G NB-IoT

#Terma | Missionized Gun Pods for fighters

#Lowrance | Marin and Fishing Electronics

#Garmin | Marlin Fishing Electronics

#GPU computing SDK | OpenCL | CUDA

#Android | Smart Phones

#Linux | Open Source Operating System developed by Linus Torvalds

#ARM | Virtual Hardware

#OpenAI | Whisper | Open source deep learning model for speech recognition

#Boston Dynamics AI Institute | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Robotics

#Vella Development Kit | Velodyne Lidar

#Metaverse | Virtual Reality

#MIT | White graphene nanotubes

#ICEYE | Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)

#JAKA Robotics | Graphic Programming


#ROS | Robot Operating System

#Universal Scene Description | USD

#OpenAI | Whisper | Open source deep learning model for speech recognition | Transcribing audio in several languages | Automatic speech recognition (ASR) without the privacy concerns | Content creating | Adding AI to everyday workflows

#General Atomics | Air to Air Laser Communication System | Crosslinks from aircraft to other platforms such as unmanned aircraft, maritime vessels, and space systems

#H3 Dynamics |.distributed hydrogen electric propulsion pods

#Intel | Kapoho Point Board | Four Loihi 2 chips on its top side | Four on its underside | Up to a million neurons | Up to a billion synapses | Up to 8 million variables | Up to 1000× better energy efficiency than a state of the art CPU solver | Stackable up to eight boards | Expansion port on the board | Four boards getting up to 32 million neurons | Drones | Robotics | Gesture recognition | Scene understanding | Smell identification | Solving optimization problems | Research

#Northrop Grumman | Boom | Missions requiring rapid response | Applications for the supersonic aircraft | Quick reaction surveillance | Command and control | Mobility and logistics missions | Emergency medical evacuation | Troop transport

#Intel | Neuromorphic computing | Biological neural computation | New algorithmic approaches | Emulating human brain interactions | Spiking neural networks (SNNs) | Simulating natural learning | Dynamically remapping neural networks | Making decisions in response to learned patterns over time | Powering autonomous AI solutions | Supporting energy efficiency and continuous learning | Sensing | Robotics | Healthcare | Large scale AI applications

#Elroy Air | Autonomous cargo aircraft systems| Vertical take off and landing (VTOL) cargo aircraft | Specially designed aerodynamic modular cargo pods | Commercial logistics | Disaster relief | Firefighting | Humanitarian operations | Replacing difficult ground transportation | Detachable pod | Dropping off cargo | Pickkung up ready to go cargo | Makint deliveries fast | Allowing ground crew to empty or load a pod at their leisure

#Doodle Labs | Beamforming | Wireless technique utilizing advanced antenna technologies | Mobile devices | Network base stations | Focusing wireless signal in a specific direction | Stronger datalink with increased reach and throughput | Qualcomm 802.11ax chipset | Air Force | Developing mesh networking technology to enable beamforming | Connected teams | UAV | UGV | Robotics

#Qualcomm | IEEE 802.11ax solutions | WiFi for dense usage scenarios | 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands | Up to 8 users simultaneously | OFDMA; multiple users with varying bandwidth served simultaneously | Uplink resource scheduler | Target Wakeup Time (TWT)

#Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) MIT | WiSwarm | Wireless network handling time sensitive data from multiple drones

#Vella Development Kit | Velodyne Lidar | High level perception outputs for indoor environments | 3D object list | Free space and obstacle detection | 3D occupancy grid | Lidar odometry | Extrinsic calibration | Automated ground vehicles | Surround Lidar Sensors

#Autodesk | 3ds Max

#Biral | Sensors for Antarctic Climate Change Research

#Leddar Sensor | LIDARs for mobility, ITS and industrial applications

#Velodyne | Lidar | Vision for autonomous mobile robots

#OndoSense | Radar sensor technology

#Technical University of Munich, Germany | Neuromorphic Hardware | Mimicking the human sensor systems (e.g. nose, tongue, skin) | Sensors rather imprecise in their output signals | Human sensory system: eyes (vision), ear (sound), nose (smell), skin (pressure, temperature) and tongue (taste) | Circuits built based on the concept of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) | Analog HW built which can execute unsupervised learning on chip

#MIT | Liquid neural networks | Drone navigation in ever changing and unseen environments | Inspired by adaptable nature of organic brains | Mastering vision based fly to target tasks in intricate, unfamiliar environments | Liquid neural networks can continuously adapt to new data inputs | Capable to make reliable decisions in unknown domains like forests, urban landscapes, and environments with added noise, rotation, and occlusion | New class of machine-learning algorithms | Capturing causal structure of tasks from high dimensional, unstructured data, such as pixel inputs from drone mounted camera | Extracting crucial aspects of a task | Understanding the task at hand | Allowing acquired navigation skills to transfer targets seamlessly to new environments | Learning-based control approach for robots | Solving problems that arise when training in one environment and deploying in a completely distinct environment without additional training, | Teaching drone to locate an object in a forest during summer, and then deploy the model in winter, with vastly different surroundings | Liquid networks offer promising preliminary indications of their capacity to address weakness in deep learning systems | Ability to learn from limited expert data and understand a given task while generalizing to new environments could make autonomous drone deployment more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable |

#G7 | Building network of undersea communication cables to serve developing and emerging countries

#Intel | Machine programming research at Intel Labs | Machine learning can be considered a subset of artificial intelligence| Deep neural networks | Formal program synthesis techniques | Providing mathematical guarantees to ensure precise software behavior | Creating software that can create more software | Software industry | Autonomous systems | Algorithms of the machine learning systems | Automatically constructring software | Using machine learning to automatically create the fitness function without human involvement | Machine to invent its own machine learning systems | Mathematical foundation for anomaly detections

#MIT | Advances in algorithms in machine learning and in formal methods | Domain specific architectures | Big and dense data | GitHub | Neural network processors | Neuromorphic processors | Graphics processing units ((GPU) | Accelerators | Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) | Heterogeneous hardware platforms

#Microsoft | FlashFill | System inside Excel automatically figuring out what the user intent is

#Facebook | Aroma | Human in the loop machine learning approximation

#ETH Zurich | Exploring ideas in the machine programming space

#Berkley | Verified lifting | Lifting code from one programming language and drop it down into another programming language

#Penn | Research in Embedded Computing and Integrated Systems Engineering | PRECISE

#Stanford | Machine programming research & development

#Bell Flight | Helicopter technology platform development

#Leonardo Helicopters | Helicopter technology platform development

#Airbus Helicopters | Helicopter technology platform development

#Aero Asset | Helicopter investor, London, UK

#ACSL | SOTEN drone | Hot swappable camera system | 1 inch sensor photography camera | EO/IR camera | Multispectral camera | Optical zoom camera | IP43 rated | Estimated flight time of 25 to 29 minutes | Tri directional obstacle avoidance | Sensors placed on front, bottom, and top

#Google DeepMind Technologies Limited | Creating advanced AI models and applications | Artificial intelligence systems ALOHA Unleashed and DemoStart | Helping robots perform complex tasks that require dexterous movement | Two-armed manipulation tasks | Simulations to improve real-world performance on multi-fingered robotic hand | Helping robots learn from human demonstrations | Translating images to action | High level of dexterity in bi-arm manipulation | Robot has two hands that can be teleoperated for training and data-collection | Allowing robots to learn how to perform new tasks with fewer demonstrations | Collectung demonstration data by remotely operating robot behavior | Applying diffusion method | Predicting robot actions from random noise | Helpung robot learn from data | Collaborating with DemoStart | DemoStart is helping new robots acquire dexterous behaviors in simulation | Google collaborating with Shadow Robot

#Mach Industries | Defense systems fueled by hydrogen | Unmanned aerial vehicles | Munitions | Hydrogen-generation systems

#Oshkosh Defense | Heavy tactical vehicles | Hydraulic Load Handling System (LHS) | Self-loading and unloading without leaving cab | Operator can load or unload truck in less than one minute, and both truck and trailer in less than five minutes

#IONA | Zero-emission autonomous drone solutions for logistics in low population density areas

#Center for New American Security (CNAS) research | US should seek contingency access to Sweden and Finland, opening up challenges to Russia within the borders of Nato newest members

#US Air Force | Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) programme | Drones to work together with fighter jets | Drones to assist manned aircraft or carry out their own missions | Drones to strike enemy positions, divert enemy air defences and conduct reconnaissance

#Insta | Steel Eagle drone | Nordic Drones | Forcit

#IDS | Industrial image processing | 3D cameras | Digital twins can distinguish color | Higher reproducible Z-accuracy | Stereo cameras: 240 mm, 455 mm | RGB sensor | Distinguishing colored objects | Improved pattern contrast on objects at long distances | Z accuracy: 0.1 mm at 1 m object distance | SDK | AI based image processing web service | AI based image analysis

#MIT | Autonomous Systems Development Facility (ASDF) | Enabling the development and testing of autonomy algorithms and capabilities | Prototyping and testing of ground-based, aerial, and undersea autonomous systems | Infrared sensors | Integrated motion capture system | Reflective tags on vehicles | Indoor positioning system generating GPS signals | Dry running systems indoors before major outdoor field tests | UAV copter with propeller with low acoustic signature | System for countering unmanned aircraft in urban environment

#Flyability | Drones for industrial inspection and analysis | Confined space inspection | Collision and crash resistant inspection drone | 3D mapping | Volumetric measurement | Inspections of cargo ships, bridges, ports, steel mills cement factories, liquid gas tanks, nuclear facilities, city wide underground sewage systems | Ouster lidar

#Yamaha Marine | 450 hp hydrogen-powered V-8 outboard | Three 6-foot-long cylindrical-shaped hydrogen fuel tanks | H2 machine operates by using hydrogen in its combustion chambers | H2 tanks are positioned low and centrally to enhance stability | H2 tanks size demands rethinking of future boat designs, hulls specifically tailored for hydrogen storage | Hydrogen storage system adds considerable weight to vessel | Volumetric energy density of hydrogen is lower, requiring larger tanks | Partners: Roush Performance, Regulator Marine

#Hengst | Filtration solutions | Ion exchanger for fuel cell | Cathode air filter for fuel cell | Disc separator for hydrogen combustion engine | Active crankcase ventilation for hydrogen combustion engine

#Linux Foundation | LF AI & Data | Fostering open source innovation in artificial intelligence and data | Open Platform for Enterprise AI (OPEA) | Creating flexible, scalable Generative AI systems | Promoting sustainable ecosystem for open source AI solutions | Simplifying the deployment of generative AI (GenAI) systems | Standardization of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) | Supporting Linux development and open-source software projects | Linux kernel | Linus Torvalds

#Tampere University | Pneumatic touchpad | Soft touchpad sensing force, area and location of contact without electricity | Device utilises pneumatic channels | Can be used in environments such as MRI machines | Soft robots | Rehabilitation aids | Touchpad does not need electricity | It uses pneumatic channels embedded in the device for detection | Made entirely of soft silicone | 32 channels that adapt to touch | Precise enough to recognise handwritten letters | Recognizes multiple simultaneous touches | Ideal for use in devices such as MRI machines | If cancer tumours are found during MRI scan, pneumatic robot can take biopsy while patient is being scanned | Pneumatic device can be used in strong radiation or conditions where even small spark of electricity would cause serious hazard

#Canon | Micro stepping motors ranging from Φ 5 mm to 6 mm | DC micro motors with gears, pinions, encoders, and lead wires already attached | Brushless servomotors | Ultra sonic piezo motor | Frameless motors | Optoelectronic Components | 3D Machine Vision System

#Astera Labs | Intelligent Connectivity Platform | High-speed connectivity integrated circuits (ICs), modules, boards | Connectivity System Management and Optimization Software | Providing hyperscaler customers ability to deploy and operate high-performance AI and cloud infrastructure | Software-defined IC architecture | Distributed microcontrollers and sensors | Real-time link and device monitoring | Smart Fabric Switches | PCIe 6 fabric switch | Delivering maximum predictable performance to increase GPU utilization | Protocol and performance optimization for increased data transfer efficiency | Real-time telemetry data | Built-in protocol analyzer with link state history and timestamps | Full non-destructive eye scan for RX Lane margining | Self-test features to minimize link downtime and accelerate fault isolation | AI scale-up (GPU-to-GPU) | AI clusters | Generative AI applications | Nvidia supplier

#Green Critical Minerals (ASX:GCM) | Tech to produce very high density graphite blocks | Producing VHD graphite blocks that have amongst the highest thermal conductivity ever recorded for any bulk material and lowest electrical resistivity ever measured for any bulk graphite product | Company can do so in just 24-36 hours at around half the temperature of the primary synthetic graphite process | VHD blocks can be used in materials for defence and nuclear industries, electrical discharge machining, thermal energy storage, electronics, aerospace, semiconductors and heat sink appliances | Pilot plant constructed and started commissioning it

#VORAGO | Radiation hardened and radiation tolerant microcontrollers and microprocessors | High-volume manufacturing to harden commercially designed semiconductor component | Empowers mission success | Radiation-hardened ICs that excel in extreme environments | ARM | Texas Instruments | Brainchip | Custom hardware and firmware solutions tailored to withstand extreme environments | Ensuring that mission-critical components remain resilient | Custom solutions, armed with space-grade electronics and an ARM Cortex microcontrollers | International Space Station: dies measuring the effects of protons and cosmic rays | Satelites: devices utilized in Department of Defense Space Test Program (STP) missions | CubeSats: ARM microvontroller | Semiconductor components and solutions for extreme temperature environments up to +200°C

#NavVis | Point cloud processing workflow | Surveying | Laser scanning | Process laser scan data captured using NavVis technology from anywhere with internet connection | View and validate every control point | Ensure data privacy with fully automated and integrated blurring functionality | Point cloud presets | Environment-specific point cloud modes | Generate photorealistic point clouds automatically cleaned of dynamic objects while preserving original details and colors | Upload your geo-referenced control points file in global coordinate system | Automatically geo-register your point cloud | View control points exact location on quality map | Locate, verify, select/deselect control points to identify any potential errors before processing begins | Automated image anonymization process | Detecting and blurring individuals’ faces, bodies, and license plates in images and point clouds captured with NavVis devices | Confidently create and share projects that meet strict data confidentiality | Meet compliance standards, including GDPR requirements | Download comprehensive quality report | Detailed information on data accuracy

#Robotics & AI Institute | Collaborates with Boston Dynamics | Developed jointly Reinforcement Learning Researcher Kit for Spot quadruped robot | Developing sim-to-real for mobility | Transferring simulation results to real robotic hardware | Bridging sim-to-reality gap | Training policies generating a variety of agile behavior on physical hardware | Trying to achieve novel, robust, and practical locomotion behavior | Improving whole body loco-manipulation | Developing robot capability to manipulate objects and fixtures, such as doors and levers, in conjunction with locomotion significantly enhancing its utility | Exploring new policies to improve robustness in scenarios | Exploring full-body contact strategies | Exploring high-performance, whole-body locomotion and tasks that require full-body contact strategies, such as dynamic running and full-body manipulation of heavy objects, necessitating close coordination between arms and legs | Aiming to utilize reinforcement learning to generate behavior during complex contact events without imposing strict requirements | Develop technology that enables future generations of intelligent machines | Streamlining processes for robots to achieve new skills | Developing perception, situational understanding, reasoning, cognitive functions underpinning robot abilities and combining them with advances in their physical capabilities | Conducting research in four core areas: cognitive AI, athletic AI, organic hardware design, and ethics related to robotics

#UC Berkeley, CA, USA | Professor Trevor Darrell | Advancing machine intelligence | Methods for training vision models | Enabling robots to determine appropriate actions in novel situations | Approaches to make VLMs smaller and more efficient while retaining accuracy | How LLMs can be used as visual reasoning coordinators, overseeing the use of multiple task-specific models | Utilizing visual intelligence at home while preserving privacy | Focused on advancements in object detection, semantic segmentation and feature extraction techniques | Researched advanced unsupervised learning techniques and adaptive models | Researched cross-modal methods that integrate various data types | Advised SafelyYou, Nexar, SuperAnnotate. Pinterest, Tyzx, IQ Engines, Koozoo, BotSquare/Flutter, MetaMind, Trendage, Center Stage, KiwiBot, WaveOne, DeepScale, Grabango | Co-founder and President of Prompt AI